Our Titles
Practical Tax Planning for
This plain English guide is packed with useful tips on ways to save UK tax sensibly and ethically. It draws the fangs of one of the most difficult and complicated tax systems in the word and will show you how to:
Minimise tax on business profits
Set up your property and other investment activities tax efficiently
Protect your assets for your family
Make full use of little known reliefs
Deal effectively with the tax authorities
Understand the complex rules on offshore tax planning
Use the tax system to your advantage
The author is a technical editor of the Schmidt Tax Report, a monthly magazine about tax and financial planning aimed at the lay reader rather than specialists, and the book is the fruit of over thirty years of experience of advising clients in real life situations.
Practical Tax Planning for
This uniquely practical guide for property investors and businesses of all kinds sets out in layman’s terms what can be done to save tax in a sensible and non-confrontational way. This book will show you how to:
Claim all the expenses and deductions you’re entitled to
Minimise income tax on rents and other profits
Structure property developments tax efficiently
Slash Capital Gains Tax liabilities
Reduce stamp taxes on purchasing property
Negotiate the VAT “minefield”
Protect your property portfolio against taxes on divorce and death
Reduce the impact of “Section 24” or the “Osborne Tax”
Structure your long term property investment portfolio
Plan for overseas property
Exploit to the full the benefits of LLP's - the “taxpayer’s secret weapon”
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About Alan
Alan Pink FCA CTA
Alan Pink is a well known writer on tax planning, having published articles both in the professional press and in publications aimed at the lay person. He has been the technical editor of The Schmidt Tax Report for over twenty years, and combines writing with public practice as a tax adviser in his niche practice at Tunbridge Wells, Kent.

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